MS-220 Training: Troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange Online

Course: 2508

MS-220 training teaches you how to solve a broad range of problems that can arise in organizations using Microsoft Exchange Online.

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  • Duration: 3 days
  • Price: $1,795.00
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March 27 - 29

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM CST

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June 26 - 28

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM CST

July 24 - 26

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM CST

August 28 - 30

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9:00 AM – 4:00 PM CST

October 30 - November 1

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM CST

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  • Virtual instructor Led Training
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  • The GSA Contract Number: 47QTCA20D000D
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MS-220 Training: Troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange Online

Course Overview

MS-220 training teaches you how to solve a broad range of problems that can arise in organizations using Microsoft Exchange Online. In this course, you’ll troubleshoot many aspects of Microsoft Exchange Online, including mail flow, compliance, recipient problems, and cloud/on-premises hybrid configurations.

Learn how to solve a broad range of problems that can arise in organizations using Exchange. In this learning path, you’ll troubleshoot many aspects of Exchange, including mail flow, compliance, recipient problems, and cloud/on-premises hybrid configurations.

Audience Profile

The audience for this course is current or aspiring support engineers who work with customers and other stakeholders to understand the details of any Microsoft Exchange Online issues. They also interact with administrators and peers that work with other related technologies to troubleshoot and resolve issues.


Before attending this course, students must have:

  • Experience with PowerShell and the Exchange PowerShell module.
  • Significant experience deploying, managing, and troubleshooting Exchange environments.

Course Outline

MODULE 1: Troubleshoot problems with mail flow

Investigate and diagnose problems with email flow in your Microsoft Exchange Online organization. Find issues caused by incorrect transport rules, DNS records, message headers, and other causes.

After completing this module, you’ll be able to:

  • Identify and troubleshoot message delivery issues.
  • Determine why Exchange Online is routing messages incorrectly.
  • Identify wrongly configured mail records in DNS.
  • Troubleshoot issues with SMTP mail transfer

Exchange Online provides flexible options that you can use to govern mail flow. However, it can be challenging to spot the cause of problems when mail doesn’t flow to the right destination. In this module, you learned how to resolve problems that prevent email from flowing to the correct destination promptly.

MODULE 2: Troubleshoot message filtering in inboxes and Microsoft Defender for Office 365

Investigate and diagnose why emails are prevented from arriving at their intended destination because of inbox rules, Microsoft Defender for Office 365, spam filter policies, and other Microsoft Exchange Online features.

After completing this module, you’ll be able to:

  • Diagnose problems caused by misconfigured or corrupted inbox rules.
  • Decide why message attachments are preventing message delivery.
  • Analyze why Exchange Online Protection has taken action on a message.
  • Identify poorly configured spam filter policies.

In this unit, you’ve learned how to examine email headers to determine why a message has been marked or quarantined. You’ve also learned how to examine and correct inbox rules, spam filter policies, and attachment handling.

MODULE 3: Troubleshoot compliance and retention issues

Investigate and diagnose problems with compliance and item retention in your Microsoft Exchange Online organization, including incorrect retention policies, problems with eDiscovery, and inappropriate holds.

After completing this module, you’ll be able to:

  • Determine why eDiscovery doesn’t return the items you intended.
  • Diagnose which in-place and eDiscovery holds apply to a specific item.
  • Delete and purge items throughout an Exchange Online organization.
  • Determine why items are not retained as intended.
  • Troubleshoot Messaging Records management.

MODULE 4: Troubleshoot encryption, auditing, and journaling

Investigate and diagnose misconfigured encryption, auditing, and journaling in your Microsoft Exchange Online organization.

After completing this module, you’ll be able to:

  • Find out why Exchange Online can’t encrypt or decrypt messages as intended.
  • Ensure that sensitive actions on items and mailboxes create a secure audit log.
  • Discover why items are not reaching the Exchange Online journal.

MODULE 5: Troubleshoot desktop Outlook clients

Investigate and diagnose problems that desktop and laptop computer users have when connecting their Outlook client to Microsoft Exchange Online.

After completing this module, you’ll be able to:

  • Ensure Outlook clients can connect to Exchange Online.
  • Diagnose Outlook client authentication issues.
  • Resolve problems with calendaring, resource booking, and delegation.

In this module, you’ve learned how to resolve issues that can arise with users’ desktop installations of Outlook when they connect to Exchange Online.

MODULE 6: Troubleshoot issues with mobile devices

Investigate and diagnose problems that users may experience when they use mobile phones, tablets, and other devices to access Microsoft Exchange Online.

After completing this module, you’ll be able to:

  • Resolve any issues that mobile devices have when connecting to Exchange Online.
  • Diagnose problems with ActiveSync devices.

Mobile device users can use native email and calendar apps or Microsoft Outlook to connect to Exchange Online. However, sometimes problems can arise with connections and item synchronization.

In this module, you learned how to enable and verify mobile device access to Exchange Online. You also learned how to troubleshoot Exchange ActiveSync connections.

MODULE 7: Troubleshoot Exchange Online configuration issues

Investigate and diagnose Microsoft Exchange Online configuration issues including provisioning errors, recipient issues, address book membership, and public folder settings.

After completing this module, you’ll be able to:

  • Diagnose problems that arise when provisioning recipients and other objects.
  • Resolve issues that affect mailboxes, distribution lists, and other recipients.
  • Ensure that address lists include all the intended recipients and only the intended recipients.
  • Fix common problems that affect your entire organization.
  • Ensure that users can access public folders without problems.

In this module, you learned that organization-wide issues can impact provisioning, recipients, address lists, public folders, and other functionality in Exchange Online. You learned how to identify these issues, and how to resolve them quickly.

MODULE 8: Troubleshoot hybrid and migration issues

Investigate and diagnose problems in an Microsoft Exchange Online and Exchange Server hybrid organization, including mail flow problems, synchronization issues, and migration failures.

After completing this module, you’ll be able to:

  • Enable mail to flow between Exchange Online and Exchange Server recipients correctly.
  • Fix issues with free/busy information, public folders, and recipient synchronization in hybrid deployments.
  • Troubleshoot issues that arise during a migration.

Related Course:

MS-100: Office 365 Authentication and Identity Management

Related Certification:

Microsoft 365 Certified: Exchange Online Support Engineer Specialty

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